Plan Input and Review

Through a Memorandum of Understanding between Conservation Ontario, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry and Municipal Affairs and Housing, Conservation Authorities are delegated the responsibility to represent the provincial interest in regards to natural hazards encompassed by Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement.

Conservation Authorities review and provide comments on municipal planning documents and applications (i.e. minor variances, consents, amendments to the zoning by-law, etc.) submitted pursuant to the Planning Act as part of the Provincial One-Window Plan Review service. Comments are also provided on comprehensive zoning by-law and Official Plan updates undertaken by a Township or Municipality.

Comments are to ensure that planning decisions take into consideration and are consistent with the natural hazard policies contained within Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement.

Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) as a Commenting Agency

Comments are provided by the LRCA, as a commenting agency, on all planning documents and applications submitted to the planning authorities within the Area of Jurisdiction of the LRCA. Comments are provided which advise whether the application meets the intent of Section 3.1 of the Provincial Policy Statement.Comments are not provided on any other Sections within the Policy.

The applicable delegated approval authority (i.e. Municipality, Committee of Adjustment or Municipal Affairs and Housing) considers comments provided by all commenting agencies and makes their decision and imposes conditions based on a review of all sections of the Provincial Policy Statement and other applicable Provincial Plans.

Area of Jurisdiction

The LRCA Area of Jurisdiction includes: City of Thunder Bay, Municipalities of Neebing, Shuniah and Oliver Paipoonge and the Townships of Conmee, O’Connor, Gillies and Dorion. The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry is responsible for areas outside the jurisdiction of the Authority.

Ontario Regulation 41/24 Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits

The LRCA administers Ontario Regulation 41/24: Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits under the Conservation Authorities Act within its Area of Jurisdiction. Development within the Approximate Regulated Area may require a Permit from the Authority.

Areas within the LRCA Area of Jurisdiction considered to be regulated by the Conservation Authority include (but not limited to):

  • All watercourses including streams, rivers and creeks and area adjacent
  • Provincially Significant Wetlands plus 30 metres surrounding the wetland
  • In-land lakes and shorelines
  • 15 metres landward and one kilometre lakeward from the 100 year flood level of Lake Superior
  • Ravines, valleys, steep slopes and talus slopes
  • Hazardous lands including unstable soil and bedrock
  • Property zoned “Use Limitation”, “Hazard Land” and “Environmental Protection”

Regulation versus Plan Input and Review

The administration of the Regulations and Plan Input and Review are two complimentary, however distinct functions whereas:

The “principle of development” is established through the Planning Act approval processes, whereas the Conservation Authorities Act permitting process, similar to the Building Permit process, identifies the specific site requirements prior to activities taking place.

Mapping Service and Pre-consultation

Property owners or potential property owners can request a map of a property which will display the Approximate Regulated Area as defined under the Regulations administered by the Authority. Individual maps of specific lots can be viewed at the Authority office or can be mailed, faxed or emailed.

Pre-consultation with the LRCA is encouraged prior to the processing of Planning Act applications if any natural hazards, LRCA regulated areas or Environmental Protection/Hazard Land/Use Limitation zoning is present on the property subject to the application.