About Lakehead Source Protection
Source Protection Area
The Lakehead Source Protection Area is one of eight Source Protection Areas and 11 Source Protection Regions created across the province by the Clean Water Act, Regulation #107.
The Lakehead Source Protection Area expands beyond the jurisdiction of the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority to include the scientific boundaries of the watershed. It is one of five Source Protection Areas in Northern Ontario. In Southern Ontario, Source Protection Regions have been formed, consolidating a number of Conservation Authorities to formulate plans for their watersheds.
The Bare Point Water Treatment Plant supplies the City of Thunder Bay with its Municipal residential drinking water. Lake Superior is the source of water for the City of Thunder Bay's Municipal drinking water system with the surface water intake located 750 metres offshore at Bare Point. Bare Point is the single source of Municipal residential drinking water for the City of Thunder Bay, serving a population of over 100,000.
Rosslyn Village, located in the Municipality of Oliver Paipoonge, has the only other Municipal residential drinking system in the Lakehead Source Protection Area. The Rosslyn Village Municipal system draws its water from two groundwater wells, which are operated alternately and supplies about 30 homes in the village.