Landowner Resources

Dealing with Beavers

Management of beavers on private land is the responsibility of the landowner. The LRCA does not participate in beaver control programs unless the source of the problem is on land owned or managed by the Authority. The following fact sheet provides excellent resources for property owners who are dealing with beaver issues.


Dealing with Trees

Trees are the responsibility of the property owner on which the stump of the tree resides. Contact a local urban forestry company for inquiries about tree care, tree removal, and more.  

Blue-Green Algae

Cyanobacteria, also referred to as blue-green algae, is a microscopic plant-like organism that is naturally found within natural streams, rivers, and lakes. The organism thrives in warm, nutrient-rich (high in phosphorous and nitrogen) environments. Blooms occur when the populations rise rapidly, creating a large floating mass that can be bluish-green, brown, red, or yellow in color. Changes in cyanobacteria populations can be an excellent indicator of water quality. More information can be found here. 


Invasive Phragmites

Invasive Phragmites is a significant threat to wetlands, shorelines, and other sensitive habitat.  The perennial grass forms dense stands that can choke waterways and displace wildlife, including species at risk that depend on biodiverse wetland environments.  Invasive Phragmites grows in dense stands, with fluffy seed heads, blue-green leaves, and beige culms (stems) persisting through the winter.


Starting at Home

Native Plant Suppliers List

NOTE: these suppliers may not sell exclusively native plants/seeds.  Use scientific (Latin) names to ensure you receive native varieties and ask staff about the source of plant material.  Refer to our Native Plants of Northwestern Ontario Guide for more information.

External Resources

Other Useful Links