Trust the Tap
Source Protection Authorities across the province, along with Conservation Ontario have developed a campaign to acknowledge all of the advancements in municipal water treatment and delivery that have taken place since the Walkerton tragedy. The “Trust the Tap” campaign was developed to raise the awareness of the safety measures now in place, protecting most of the municipal drinking water systems in the province.
It is hard to believe that 20 years have passed since the water supply in Walkerton, Ontario was contaminated with E. coli and Campylobacter jejuni bacteria, resulting in the death of 7 people and severe illness affecting over 2,000 people.
Since May 2000, the Provincial government, Municipalities, Conservation Authorities and Source Protection Committees throughout much of Ontario have done excellent work to improve the quality of municipal drinking water by following the recommendations of the Walkerton Inquiry which was lead by Justice Dennis O’Connor.
For more information about the Trust the Tap campaign, as well as to learn more about Source Water Protection in the Lakehead Region, see the links below.

2019 LRCA Annual Report
The 2019 Lakehead Region Conservation Authority Annual Report is now available on our website. Physical copies are being distributed via the Chronicle Journal and will eventually be available at our Administrative Office once it reopens. We are proud of the work completed during 2019, and look forward to continuing our mission to lead the conservation and protection of the Lakehead Watershed in service of our vision of a healthy, safe and sustainable Lakehead Watershed for future generations.

Please be advised that the 2020 Private Landowner's Tree Seedling Assistance Program has been cancelled.