COVID-19 Update 5
The latest information from the Office of the Premier indicates that green spaces in parks, trails, ravines and Conservation Areas can remain open for walk through access, but individuals must maintain the safe physical distance of at least two metres (six feet) apart from others.
The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) fully supports the public health recommendations that everyone stay home to stop the spread of COVID-19.
If you do continue to use our trails and Conservation Areas, you must:
- maintain the minimum recommended physical distance from others,
- keep dogs on the leash and pick up after your pet, and
- remove all of your garbage after visiting.
Conservation Areas (including trails) are not being monitored or maintained; however, if you see any major damage, please email us at .
Visit or follow us on Facebook @lakeheadregion for further updates.

COVID-19 Update 4
Due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and in consideration of the well-being of our many partners, volunteers and staff, the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) is responding with the following current changes in operations and programming, in addition to previously posted changes:
- The Honourable Jeff Yurek, Minister of the Environment, Conservation and Parks, has issued a Minister’s Direction pursuant to subsection 19.1 (7) of the Conservation Authorities Act that applies to all Conservation Authorities in the Province of Ontario. The Direction provides for Conservation Authorities to conduct Meetings and hearings as necessary via virtual meetings and teleconference. The Direction provides Authorities the ability to amend their administrative by-laws accordingly. For the full letter from Minister Yurek, click here. The LRCA’s Administrative By-Law will be amended at the April 29, 2020 Board Meeting.
- Washrooms are closed at all LRCA Conservation Areas that have those facilities. Washrooms will not be monitored or maintained.
- The LRCA Administrative Office remains closed to the public; LRCA staff will be working from home until further notice. All essential services including the LRCA’s Flood Forecasting and Warning operations remain active.
- While the LRCA’s Conservation Areas remain open to the public, LRCA staff urge all visitors to practice the safe physical distancing measures being stressed by all experts. Please ensure you maintain the minimum two-metre distance between yourself and other visitors. If you do choose to visit a Conservation Area, do so for the purposes of going for a walk or hike for the benefit of your physical and mental health and not to congregate. Ensure that pets remain on-leash at all times and wear proper footwear. Please note that there is currently no maintenance occurring in our Conservation Areas; trails may be slippery, and debris may be present.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

COVID-19 Update 3
Due to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and in consideration of the well-being of our many partners, volunteers and staff, the Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) is responding with the following current changes in operations and programming, in addition to previously posted changes:
- The LRCA Administrative Office remains closed to the public; LRCA staff will be working from home until further notice. All essential services including the LRCA’s Flood Forecasting and Warning operations remain active.
- While the LRCA’s Conservation Areas remain open to the public, LRCA staff urge all visitors to practice the safe physical distancing measures being stressed by all experts. Please ensure you maintain the minimum two-metre distance between yourself and other visitors. If you do choose to visit a Conservation Area, do so for the purposes of going for a walk or hike for the benefit of your physical and mental health and not to congregate. Ensure that pets remain on-leash at all times and wear proper footwear. Please note that there is currently no maintenance occurring in our Conservation Areas; trails may be slippery, and debris may be present.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.