Conservation Areas Visitor Survey

The Lakehead Region Conservation Authority (LRCA) is gathering information from visitors to our Conservation Areas to better understand how our lands are being utilized, and to determine if there are realistic goals we can achieve to create a better user experience. Please consider filling out the questionnaire below in order to share your valuable feedback.

The LRCA is developing a Conservation Area Strategy to establish a current set of objectives that will inform decision-making related to the Conservation Areas or lands owned and operated by the Authority. The intent is to identify the gaps, necessary actions, and funding required to support the services provided by these lands in the future. The data collected from this survey will be incorporated, as warranted, into the Conservation Area Strategy as a component of the public consultation process.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this voluntary survey. It should take approximately 2-5 minutes to complete. Please note that individual responses are confidential. Data obtained from the survey will be reported to the LRCA Board of Directors and Management.

By selecting “I Agree”, you are indicating that:

  • you are willingly participating in this survey
  • you agree to the above information

Where do you reside? If you selected "Other", please specify in the space provided.

Do you purchase an Explore Card Parking Pass annually? If you selected "Yes", for how many years have you been purchasing Explore Cards?

When visiting a Conservation Area, approximately how many people are typically accompanying you in your vehicle? 

What activities do you participate in when visiting Conservation Areas? (Select all that apply, and add your own in the space provided)

How often do you visit each Conservation Area? If you visit an area frequently, use the Visits Per Week column; if you visit an area rarely or only sometimes, use the Visits Per Year column.


Mission Island Marsh

Silver Harbour

Hazelwood Lake

Little Trout Bay

Hurkett Cove

Cedar Falls

MacKenzie Point

Mills Block


Do you visit Conservation Areas with a club/organization/group? Please list below.

In your own personal opinion, what are the ideal modifications, improvements or changes that you would like to see at the Conservation Areas that you visit (funding and personnel permitting)?

Do you have any other comments or concerns?

Would you like to be contacted to further discuss your survey responses? (If yes, please ensure your contact information is filled out above.)

Thank you!

Thanks for taking the time to complete this survey! Your feedback is valuable to us.